Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Foods That Help Burn Fat & Build Collagen

!±8± Foods That Help Burn Fat & Build Collagen

An awesome way to turn your body into a fat burning machine is by adding green tea to your diet and exercise routine. With all the different varieties of green tea on the market, its rather easy to find a flavor that you will enjoy. My personal favorite is pomegranate and cranberry green tea. Even though exercise is the best way to burn fat, green tea contains catechins that signals the body to burn fat for energy instead of burning carbs. This is great news for carb lovers.

Drinking green tea does not give people a license to eat irresponsibly. You still have to exercise a bit of wisdom with your daily routine, but this is one of the easiest ways to turn your body into a fat burning machine. All you have to do is replace your normal beverage choice, especially if its soda, and drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea everyday. The awesome thing about green tea is that it will burn fat whether you exercise or not, but when you combine exercise with the tea, you are literally sending your fat burning abilities through the roof so why not do both?

Similar results have been found by eating certain types of food such as apples, grapes, and cucumbers. These food do not necessarily burn fat but they work by hydrating the cells so that fat is prevented from being stored. Think of them as fat barriers. Anytime the body is well hydrated, you simply look better. Other foods that turn your body into a fat burning machine include vegetables that are bright in color. Not only are they loaded with vitamin C but they specifically prevent the breakdown of collagen which actually supports your skin. When collagen is weakened from a lack of vitamin C or by sunbathing, fat cells underneath the collagen will press through and this gives the skin that bumpy look we all know as cellulite. If you want to get rid of those little puckers that show up on your butt and thighs, I suggest you get your daily dose of vitamin C to build collagen.

One beverage I drink is a mix of 8 oz orange juice with lots of pulp, with 8 oz of grapefruit juice about 30 minutes before a workout. Not only does this give me the vitamin C I need, but it also gives me the energy I need to sustain me throughout the workout and helps burn up to 30% more fat during exercise. Additional foods that help burn fat include healthy whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal. A simple and quick breakfast I like to eat is a bowl of honey nut cheerios with a diced apple, tablespoon of raw oatmeal and 1/4 cup of a walnut and sliced almond blend added to the cereal. The fiber in whole grains are more filling and they don't trigger an insulin spike which tells the body to store fat instead of burning. Combining foods is a great way to turn your body into a fat burning machine plus meet your daily servings at the same time.

Foods That Help Burn Fat & Build Collagen

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Daily Dose of Olive Leaf Extract Reduces Your Risk of Disease

!±8± A Daily Dose of Olive Leaf Extract Reduces Your Risk of Disease

A daily dosage of olive leaf extract could help reduce your risk of heart disease and age-related cancers.  In that way, it is like other natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.  There is a long list of those and increasing the amount that we get every day has been recommended by health care practitioners from all fields, traditional, conventional and alternative, alike.

Surveys have shown that over 70% of all doctors take a nutritional supplement every day. About that same number, recommend them to their patients.  While there are still some doctors arguing about the importance of dietary supplementation, most have come to accept the fact that people just don't get everything that they need by eating, alone.

Even overweight and obese people have been found to have low blood levels of specific nutrients in their bloodstream, including calcium and vitamin D.  Correcting those deficits can only be beneficial.  It could reduce the incidence of life threatening and chronic diseases among the elderly. 

The better multi-nutritional supplements provide basic vitamins and minerals, along with a daily dosage of olive leaf extract, turmeric, ginger, green tea and gingko biloba.  Each one is accompanied by specific health benefits to the circulatory, digestive, nervous and immune systems. 

If properly supported, your body has the ability to fight off disease, cleanse the blood of impurities, regenerate and reproduce cells.  If you do not give the body the support that it needs, you will have frequent colds.  You'll feel fatigued.  Your skin won't look healthy and your joints will start to ache. 

So, what is the right daily dosage of olive leaf extract?  For most adults, 50mg per day is sufficient, when it is included in a good multi-nutritional formula.  Researchers have evaluated very high dosages for safety and have found that there are no unwanted side effects. 

As an immune system booster for people that work at high risk jobs, like hospitals or nursing homes, a 750mg dosage of olive leaf extract has been evaluated for safety and effectiveness.  It works best when combined with other extracts that have anti-viral or anti-bacterial activity.  One of the better immune system boosters contains 350mg of turmeric and 800mg of Indian Echinacea, as well as the 750mg dose of olive leaf. 

Because of legal considerations in the US and other countries, manufacturers are not allowed to tell you about diseases that an herbal extract can be used to treat.  But, research and customer testimonials indicate that there are benefits for people with arthritis and chronic fatigue.  Some studies have shown benefits for treating high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

In the US, if the manufacturer mentioned those things on the label, the Food and Drug Administration would go after them.  They recently went after Cheerios, because the company mentions that the cereal helps lower cholesterol levels. 

The FDA may need to make some changes about what food and supplement manufacturers can do, because we are learning that foods and plants like a daily dosage of olive leaf extract make good medicine. Visit my website today to learn about a multi-nutritional supplement I've discovered that I'd like to share with you.

A Daily Dose of Olive Leaf Extract Reduces Your Risk of Disease

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pizza Dough Recipe Ideas: Chocolate Cereal Chewy Pizza Crust Recipe

!±8± Pizza Dough Recipe Ideas: Chocolate Cereal Chewy Pizza Crust Recipe

Making different types of pizza can be fun, since you can make pizzas that include so many different ingredients. For instance, you might enjoy making and serving a sweet dessert that just about anyone will love to eat. One of the best things about making your own homemade pizzas is that you are free to experiment with various ingredients to create the type of pizza that you and your family crave. You can make a sweet dough recipe by adapting many different types of bread and cookie recipes.

Experiment with Pizza Dough

For instance, you can easily adapt just about any type of cookie recipe to make sweet and tempting pizza dough and it can be a lot of fun. They enjoy learning how to make great things to eat and they love eating what they make. Allow them to help you while preparing the different types of pizza you will be eating as a family. If you do, they just may surprise you with their suggestions of what they want to include.

Making Candy Pizzas

After choosing the type of dough you want to make, you can then begin to consider the types of ingredients you will use for the fillings and toppings. For instance, while using this particular recipe you might want to include various types of delicious candies. These may include your family favorites as well as something you always wanted to try whether you make a chocolate pizza or a candy apple dessert.

Create a Fresh Fruit Pizza

You and the kids may enjoy making a fresh fruit pizza that includes all the different types of fruits you enjoy the most. For instance, you might include fresh bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, pineapple, apples, oranges, kiwis and more. When you and your family are making such a delicious dessert to enjoy, the sky is the limit when it comes to the ingredients you can include.

Recipe for Chocolate Cereal Chewy Pizza Crust

What You Need

½ cup butter or margarine 1white cake mix 3 cups miniature marshmallows 1 cup chocolate chips 3 cups Cheerios 1 can sweetened condensed milk 14 ounce

Pizza Dough Recipe Ideas: Chocolate Cereal Chewy Pizza Crust Recipe

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Healthy Meal Plans to Lose Weight

!±8± Healthy Meal Plans to Lose Weight

2010 is all done, and 2011 is rolling in.. this means new years resolutions. One of the most popular new years resolutions are to get in shape, or perhaps shed a few pounds. Many people think that if they get a gym membership, and go a couple times a week this will be all they need to achieve their goals of getting in shape or losing some weight. WRONG. Weight loss is a journey.... and for some, it can be a very long journey at that. Gaining back your health includes an abundance of change. One of the largest contributing factors to weight loss is your diet plan. Today I will give you a few tips to get healthy and shed a few extra pounds with healthy meal plans to lose weight. No gym required.

The reason you have gained the weight in the first place has been your diet. Many people disregard breakfast. This meal is the most important meal of day because it starts up your metabolism. This is something that you really need to understand. You metabolism WILL slow down if you are only eat 2 LARGE meals a day, it will slow down if you are eating 2 small meals a day, and it will slow down if you are not putting the right fuel into your system.

To start off, cut out the simple sugars. These include white bread, sugar in your coffee, pastries, plain bagels, white pasta, cookies and most fast food.

Then, recognize the importance of water. Its huge. It gets your digestive system moving, and it helps rid of any toxins that are slowing you down.. literally.

Start eating a healthy breakfast. This should/can include, a bowl of cereal (Fibre One, Vector, Cheerios, nature valley) you should use low-fat milk, and for some extra nutrients add fresh berries, apples, or bananas.

You can also refer to the other breakfast healthy meal plans idea that I have previously posted.

Then.. about 3 hours later have a snack. This snack should include a fruit accompanied with a protein or a fat. So, lets say an apple with 10-15 almonds, or a low fat cheese.

So, if you work a job that is from 9-5, we are probably at about 2:30 or three o'clock. Now its lunch time. This should include a protein, a complex carbohydrate and some vegetables. This can be a piece of chicken breast, accompanied with a small sweet potato and a fresh salad. Avoid processed dressing. Try Balsamic vinegar and olive oil to put on your salad, and if you need to spice up your chicken try some Mrs. Dash sodium (salt) free spices.

Now, its about 5:30 you are hitting the road and your on the way home. Dinner time is creeping up, but if you're sitting in traffic and you can feel your tummy growling. For times like these make sure you have something in your bag. This is when most people fail. Many people swing through the McDonalds drive through to get a burger to hold them until they get home. Terrible idea, AND it waste of money and chances are you will feel guilty afterward if you're trying to get in shape! So.. always have a little granola bar in your bag. Not a granola bar that is loaded with sugar like a S'mores bar. But try something like Kashi or Nature valley. These can even be thrown into your dash board for desperate times.

Now you are home, and the family is getting hungry. You're dinner, much like your lunch should consist of a protein, a complex carbohydrate and vegetables. This can include extra lean ground beef spaghetti sauce, whole wheat noodles, and a fresh spinach salad with any vegetables. Again, light on the dressing.

If your family enjoys stir fry. Sautee some frozen or fresh vegetables with some diced up chicken breast, and put it on a bed or brown, or wild rice.

Many of us deal with unsupportive families who are not willing to eat such foods, but this is about YOU.. not the entire family. IF they are not willing to be supportive and help make the changes, recognize what you are going after... YOUR HEALTH. Continue your healthy eating, and consider the fact that you recently had a granola bar, you can hold off for a few extra minutes to make your own plate.

Remember... drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Drink with every meal. Its hard to get used to, but after a few days, your body and mind will thank you.

Key point here, DO NOT starve yourself. It will only come back to bite you. Eat frequently. When you are hungry.. EAT.. just make sure its healthy, clean food. With all of this information, you are well on your way to starting a fabulous diet that will not feel like a diet, it will become your lifestyle. It will help with your weight-loss and over all health. So, there you go, this is your new outline to starting your healthy meal plans to lose weight. In the upcoming articles, I will give you some more meal ideas and few extra tips to rid of the few extra pounds.

Healthy Meal Plans to Lose Weight

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Monday, November 7, 2011

How To Get Free Samples From Companies

!±8± How To Get Free Samples From Companies

The internet has truly revolutionized the way we research things. In order to get free stuff from companies, we often would get an offer in the mail, have to complete some survey, and then wait 10 weeks before you got a sample of Cheerios or some other product. Nowadays, however, you can get free stuff from merchants all over the US using little known ways. Take a look at some of the ways we found you can get free samples, without having to scour the Sunday newspaper.

One clever way is to visit Working with some of the largest retailers in the country, this website allows you to simply select the offers you want, fill out your information real quick, and you can get your samples in just a couple of weeks. What's great about this site is it only takes a couple of minutes to fill out your information, and they will send you offers quickly. The downside to this is that you often cannot choose which offers you want, they generally only send you what they think you may want.

Another way to get free samples form companies is to visit their websites. Companies this day in age need to stay competitive and offer an array of products to the consumer. They often do research as to the popularity of an item by offering it free to a select amount of people. If enough people ask for the offer, whether it be a new type of laundry detergent, a new hair gel, or even a new type of cereal, they will decide to then distribute it to the mass market. Visiting sites from companies like Clorox, general mills, and Colgate will get your free trials of some of the latest and greatest products they have to offer.

Another great way to get free samples from companies is through direct merchant offers. I recently came upon several hundred offers online that give away free products to trial testers.

Click Here to be added to my email list of free goods and services offered by top brand companies.

How To Get Free Samples From Companies

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